Kettlebell Exercises
Kettlebell exercises provide lower-impact but high-intensity movements resulting in shorter intense workouts. The compound exercises, working more than one muscle group, are ideal for lean muscle growth. Some of the best kettlebell exercises are:
1. KB Swings
Improve your cardiovascular fitness, strength, and power with a single high-intensity but low-impact motion.
2. KB Deadlifts
A compound movement improves muscles in the posterior chain.
3. KB Rows
A compound movement with an emphasis on the upper back and biceps.
4. Goblet Squat
A beginner squat variation to strengthen the lower body and core.
5. Carriers / Farmers Walk
With many variations, carriers are a full-body exercise. Perform one arm carries to target the core.
Slam Ball Exercises
Slam balls are heavy, durable exercise balls designed for explosive, high-impact movements such as lifts, throws, and slams. Slam balls work multiple muscle groups, making them a great option for full-body workouts. Some top exercises are:
- Overhead Slams
A full-body, high-intensity exercise, and explosive movement works the muscles of the legs, hips, back, arms, and core, and helps to improve power, strength, and cardiovascular endurance.
- Russian Twist
An exercise that targets the oblique muscles and the core. This exercise helps to improve core stability, balance, and rotational power while also providing a cardiovascular challenge.
- Burpee Slams
This is a full-body exercise that targets multiple muscle groups. It helps to improve cardiovascular fitness, power, and endurance.
- V Ups
A high-intensity exercise that combines elements of slam ball, sit-ups and V-ups into one dynamic movement working multiple muscle groups, including the abs, quads, and upper body, and is effective for building strength and improving core stability.
- Split Lunge Rainbow Slam
A full-body, high-intensity exercise that combines elements of lunges and slam ball slams. The movement is done continuously, creating a "rainbow" pattern with the slam ball. This exercise works the muscles of the legs, hips, back, arms, and core and helps to improve power, strength, and cardiovascular endurance.